Owner's Stateroom
Large double bed (1.8M wide head 1.6M wide base x 1.95M
long), ensuite with electric toilet, air conditioning control unit,
hanging closet, two bedside tables and long bench tops with draws
Guest Cabin

Double bed (1.45M wide x 2M long), hanging closet, air
conditioning control unit.
Main Bathroom

Separate shower & electric toilet.

Italian leather, bearle table with stainless steel support,
air-conditioning control unit.

Fiberglass bench top with double sink, refrigerator,
microwave, and cook top.
Lower Helm

Large helm chair, electronic gear and throttle controls,
instrumentation and fluid gauges, air-conditioning control unit.
Entertainment Console

Located at eye level for easy use and remote control access
from lounge. Sports Cat boats come fitted with a DVD player, VCR,
Stereo System (with CD Changer), and the option for Satellite Television
Cockpit and Boarding Platform

Two Transom Doors giving easy access from the Cockpit to
the large boarding platform for great dock and water sports access.
Television and Grog Locker

This cabinet has a built in ice maker, storage for eight
spirit bottles, bench top space and the television cabinet is high for
easy viewing from the upper saloon lounge.
Upper Saloon Lounge

The large L shaped Italian leather lounge is very
comfortable and provides excellent vision outside the boat while under way
or at rest.